MI On the Fly

About this Training:

Motivational Interviewing (MI) grew out of the work associated first with addiction support and recovery and has since been established as a best practice related to all aspects of work associated with anyone in a position of considering a change in their lives. MI has been noted as effective in the homeless-serving sector, including assisting those with the highest levels of complex needs. This includes the support of youth. See the link to a video providing additional context. https://invisiblepeople.tv/ken-kraybill-on-motivat…

MI training with the TTA, which also includes content regarding the understanding and practical use of the Transtheoretical Model of Change (Stages of Change), has been adapted specifically for those working with complex and marginalized individuals, particularly those experiencing homelessness because of the unique nature of the working environment. These practitioners are not working with 50–60-minute planned sessions in an office. Instead, they are supporting people on the street, in parks, in apartments, and possibly under bridges. Therefore, the TTA MI training (MI On the Fly) provides added context to the use of the skills and adaptations for that type of working environment. Generally, MI also requires those you are working with to have some level of abstract thinking ability. Because many experiencing homelessness suffer from cognitive and developmental challenges, and because many youth vary in both levels, this training also gives participants some additional understanding and adaptations for using MI in these situations.

Instructor Led (In-person and virtual options)

Training Audience:

This training is appropriate for:

  • Front-line staff supporting those experiencing homelessness
  • Staff working people who would benefit from behavior or lifestyle change
  • Organizational and system leadership supporting people in the above environments

Note – The TTA requests that all training include at a minimum, one member of leadership from each organization/agency represented, be present as a learner. 

Training Length:

In-Person: 1 full day (7.5 hrs)
Virtual: 3 four-hour blocks (1 block per day)

 Training Capacity:

In-Person: 30 maximum / 8 Minimum
Virtual: 25 maximum / 8 Minimum

Training Objectives:

Attendees will:

  • Understand and learn to incorporate the stages of change in practice
  • Understand and state what Motivational Interviewing (MI) is
  • Learn the importance of MI in the Homeless serving services
  • Be able to identify the components of MI
  • Be able to incorporate the MI components into case planning and active engagement with participants
  • Be able to demonstrate and practice the skills associated with MI
  • Understand how MI and the Stages of Change work together for both case planning and supporting someone through change
  • Use MI at a basic level

Training Features:


  • Training specialist in your community
  • Recording of training sessions (additional fee and available for 30 days post-training)
    • Permanent access for an additional fee


  • Training specialist supported by an additional trainer
  • Recording of training sessions – (access for 30 days post-training)
    • Permanent access for an additional fee


  • Elements of lecture, slide presentations, video, break-out rooms, small and large group discussions
  • Required role plays
  • Registration and access to TTA Learning Management System (LMS) (two weeks pre to 30 days post-training)
    • downloadable and printable handouts and resources
    • Interactive function with online “Discussion Board”
    • Access to training slides (.pdf) post-training
    • Final knowledge check to solidify learning

MI On the Fly as Part of Assertive Engagement Training:

(Go here for more information)

Training Prerequisite Onboarding Modules

Mandatory: None
Beneficial Options: Access here 
– Fundamentals of MI (FEE REQUIRED)
– Trauma-Informed Care and Practice: The Basics (FEE REQUIRED)
– Staff and Team Self-Care (FEE REQUIRED)
– Homelessness 101 (FREE)
– Housing First 101 (FREE)

Certificate of Completion

Through the TTA LMS, attendees will have the ability to receive a certificate of completion of the training by:

  1. Attending the full training
  2. Completing and passing the final knowledge check/assessment (within 30 days post-training)
    1.  70% is required
    2. each person will have unlimited attempts

Once the assessment is passed, a link will appear allowing the certificate to be downloaded. 

Training Costs:

Please inquire using the “Request More Info” button to the right regarding fee. Please note that all fees quoted should be considered an “all-inclusive” cost which means there would be not additionl costs for travel, prep, admin, or other items added to the rate provided to you with the exception of provincial tax. 

Members: A system, community, or organization can become a “Member”  by purchasing an annual subscription to self-paced online onboarding modules. Discounts on live training are available determined by the subscription package chosen. (See “Onboarding Module” section here).

This training will expose attendees, if they have not been already, to the model and benefits of the Transtheoretical Model of Change or “Stages of Change” and how that model acts as the foundation of MI but also how MI can be helpful in supporting individuals move through the stages. Trainees will experience a very interactive full day which will include practical exercises which help them to learn and solidify the skills and concepts associated with effective MI practice, particularly in the fast-paced, unpredictable environment of working with individuals  with complex challenges who are experiencing homelessness. 


“I would like to express my satisfaction with the Canadian Alliance To End Homelessness (CAEH) partnership and collaboration to bring a first time pilot collaboration to our community in training Motivational Interviewing (MI) trainers for our homeless serving funded agencies.

Valuable support, direction, assistance, resources and techniques have been provided and shared for our trainees to continue the legacy of motivational interviewing lessons and practices.

A vast majority of employees with our funded agencies have been trained by our MI trainers and we are launching into a new year of training, looking to having new staff trained in the principles and practices of MI.

Both fulfilling and rewarding the collaborative pilot project has been a success as motivational interviewing lessons and practices can be applied throughout life.  MI has lasting impacts on both my personal and professional life and through my experience can be utilized under any circumstances.”    – Cheryl Cooper, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo (Fort McMurray, AB)


The CAEH TTA program is funded in part by the Government of Canada through the Community Capacity and Innovation funding stream of Reaching Home: Canada’s Homelessness Strategy.