Webinar Archive 2021
2021 Recorded Webinars
Archived Webinars 2022 | 2020 | 2019
BNL/CA Webinars | ||
December 2, 2021 This webinar, presented by CAEH’s Marie Morrison and OrgCode’s Iain De Jong, will cover not only the basics of prioritization (what it is, why use it, and how to develop it locally) but also dig deeper into how to move beyond static prioritization to make your Coordinated Access and prioritization processes more dynamic and responsive within your local context. |
November 17, 2021 Governance in Coordinated Access (CA) is essential to ensuring the system functions effectively and continues to learn and develop. This webinar will focus on reviewing different models and designs for governance with examples from various communities being highlighted but also discussing how these can and should be tailored to each community. |
October 19, 2021 Meeting in the Middle – Engagement Strategy and Action Plan was co-created to foster better relationships between the City of Toronto Shelter Support and Housing Administration (SSHA) Division and Indigenous organizations. Our vision is to meaningfully address Indigenous homelessness in Toronto by addressing the City of Toronto’s Statement of Commitments to Aboriginal Communities. Please join Linda Wood, Manager, Street Needs Assessment at Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, City of Toronto and Steve Teekens, Executive Director, Native Men’s Residence to hear more about the development and follow-up of the Action Plan. |
September 21, 2021 Although Coordinated Access (CA) is a simple concept, there are some complex elements to the implementation aspect. Barriers arise from multiple areas. This webinar will be an opportunity to hear about some of the most common barriers that communities of various sizes and demographics across Canada have faced and some of the suggested ways they can be addressed. |
August 5, 2021 This was the first of two webinars this month that is strictly for participants to ask any question they have related to Coordinated Access (CA). The second one is August 17th. Experts were available to speak to these questions and have an ongoing conversation. This was a time to ask any and all questions that have been plaguing you and you have yet been able to find an answer. |
July 8, 2021 As communities across Canada begin to reach functional zero, it seemed timely to revisit what “functional zero” really means. Join CAEH’s Randalin Ellery and Jessica Brunet as they discuss and answer questions about functional zero, how it is confirmed, what comes next, along with clarifying the key definitions of “housed” and “homeless”. |
May 4, 2021 The position responsible for locating units and building relationships with landlords, may go by many names (e.g. Landlord Engagement Specialist, Housing Locator, Housing Liaison etc.). Regardless of what you call it, this role remains an emerging and essential practice area in the work to end homelessness. OrgCode’s Iain De Jong will present on the essential elements of this role, tips and tricks, and overcoming common challenges. |
April 8, 2021 Lived Experience/Expertise (LE) has been identified for some time as a key factor in promoting lasting reductions in homelessness. This is true whether you are talking about LE involvement in outreach, Housing First program operations, or leadership and involvement in the implementation of coordinated access. LE should be incorporated at all levels of your homelessness system of care. |
March 9, 2021 Regardless of where you are in your BNL/CA development journey, you may be facing some challenges or at the very least, some questions about getting community buy-in. But this is most important when it comes to early stages as you enter into the planning and development stages. This webinar will focus on why buy-in is so important, especially in the beginning. Additionally you will hear what some key elements of creating healthy and productive buy-in would be. |
February 9, 2021 Reaching Home is asking communities to implement Coordinated Access and report on system level outcomes. The only way to effectively implement Coordinated Access and report system level outcomes towards ending homelessness is to have real-time, reliable, person-level data on the problem through a By-Name List (unique identifier list). What is the difference between a By-Name List and Coordinated Access List? How can we get started? How can we implement a Registry Week along with our Point-In-Time Count? What resources are available to support the development of a By-Name List? How can HIFIS help? Join CAEH’s Marie Morrison and Reaching Home HIFIS staff to get answers to all these questions and more. |
January 21, 2021 A sticking point for some communities in Coordinated Access is understanding all the eligibility criteria – and potentially other “ins and outs” – of housing and support providers to whom you are trying to refer people prioritized for housing to, only to find you have an incomplete understanding of all of the criteria to make the match successful. On top of this, there can be receiving housing support providers who disagree with the match or have concerns about the match or process. Join this webinar with Iain De Jong of OrgCode that will dig deeper into each of these situations and offer some tips for improving these aspects of Coordinated Access. |
BNL/CA Community of practice Calls | ||
December 9, 2021 This community of practice call, facilitated by CAEH’s Marie Morrison and OrgCode’s Iain De Jong, will review the Prioritization Examples document in discussion with participating communities. We will engage in conversation about how these communities arrived at their prioritization process, benefits and challenges of the different approaches, and how each is working in practice and evolving over time. |
PDF Slides | |
December 7, 2021 Each community faces its own unique challenges in establishing and maintaining a well-oiled governance model. This webinar will be an opportunity for participants to share their questions and thoughts about their governance and a hear from panelists and other participants regarding what works and what is more challenging. |
October 15, 2021 Calling all Landlord Engagement Specialists, Housing Locators, and Housing Liaison Workers. This call is for you! This is your chance to meet your colleagues across the country, share successes and problem-solve challenges together. Back by popular demand! This call follows the initial one held on May 27, 2021. This conversation will again be facilitated by CAEH’s Marie Morrison and OrgCode’s Iain De Jong. |
PDF Slides | |
July 15, 2021 In May 2021, Medicine Hat, Alberta became the first community in Canada to achieve Functional Zero Chronic Homelessness. Hear more from Medicine Hat about how they reached this important milestone and how they are continuing to work to be “built for zero” in order to sustain it. |
PDF Slides | |
June 29, 2021 This Community of Practice call focused on participants being able to share ideas and ask questions about the Indigenous perspective with Coordinated Access (CA). Indigenous experts were available to generate discussion, answer questions, and just talk further about this important topic. |
May 27, 2021 Calling all Landlord Engagement Specialists, Housing Locators, and Housing Liaison Workers. This call is for you! This is you chance to meet your colleagues across the country, share successes and problem-solve challenges together. This conversation will be facilitated by CAEH’s Marie Morrison and OrgCode’s Iain De Jong. |
PDF Slides | |
April 20, 2021 After sharing the value of incorporating Lived Experience into any and all efforts to end homelessness, in this community of practice call we will provide some specific practical examples of how Lived Experience has been utilized in other communities and then give you the opportunity to share your own ideas, examples, questions, and challenges in this area as well as hear the same from others as you support each other in this great work. |
March 23, 2021 Earlier in the month we talked in a webinar about community buy-in for BNL/CA. This community of practice call will explore this further by giving you a chance to hear briefly from various communities who have had success in promoting CA in area and then you will be part of a discussion where your own ideas and questions relating to this topic can be explored further. |
March 10, 2021 Ali Ryder from ACRE Consulting will be facilitating a sharing session for HIFIS community leads (and any others who are interested) to explore when and how communities are implementing HIFIS version 59. |
February 23, 2021 Hosted by Randalin Ellery, CAEH’s Director of Data and Policy Impact, hear from a number of communities about how they are using their By-Name List to drive data-based decision making and improvements in their efforts to end homelessness. |
January 28, 2021 Coordinated and housing focused outreach efforts will produce the strongest outcomes for connecting and housing our unsheltered neighbours. Join CAEH’s Marie Morrison and Lisa Bell to hear more about available resources to support your outreach efforts along with Niagara Region and Kelowna community presenters who will be sharing their efforts to coordinate and map outreach with the aid of locally developed apps. Iain De Jong of OrgCode will also be joining the call to listen in and provide reflections. |
TTA hOUSING fIRST community of practice | ||
November 19, 2021 A Housing First model prioritizes housing and then assists veterans with access to healthcare and other supports that promote stable housing and improved quality of life as they maintain permanent housing. Join us as we explore evidence-based knowledge, experience and innovation in Housing First Models that have been researched, tested, and adapted for veterans experiencing homelessness in Canada and the U.S. |