Reaching Home

By-Name List and Coordinated Access Training & Technical Assistance

Since the fall of 2019, the Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH) has been providing support to Reaching Home funded communities to meet Reaching Home Coordinated Access requirements. This support has been offered through participation in Built for Zero Canada (BFZ-C), OR three days of complementary training through CAEH Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) (for those not participating in BFZ-C).

For the 25 communities receiving support through the TTA, access to complementary training ended in March 2023.


We want to make sure you have as much quality support as possible while you continue to work through the development, implementation, and improvements of your Coordinated Access systems, which is why we have some options for you. 

If you are a Designated Community (not participating in BFZ-C), what is available for you now through the TTA?

With funding through Reaching Home, CAEH is developing six online self-directed Coordinated Access Series courses. All of these courses are available for free until March 2024. After that, the first two on the list below will be the only ones that remain free with the others accessible at a cost.

    • Introduction to By-Name Lists (available now)
    • Introduction to Coordinated Access (available now)
    • Governance and Community Participation (available October 2023)
    • System Entry and Access (available October 2023)
    • Housing Resources (available now)
    • Prioritization, Matching, and Referral (available now)

If you would like additional support with CA and BNL implementation and improvement, we can also offer:

  • Complimentary support in completing By-Name List and Coordinated Access Scorecard confirmations.
  • Formal ongoing BNL/CA consultation and coaching on a fee-for-service basis.
  • BNL/CA training on a fee-for-service basis. (See the TTA Training Consultancy page)

To talk about how we can support you further in your BNL/CA efforts, please contact us here or reach out directly to Wally Czech, the TTA Director. 

If you are interested in what BFZ-C has to offer and how it might be a good fit for you you can visit their website or contact Maire Morrison, the BFZ-C Director. 

It is our hope that through these options, you will be able to find the support you require to meet your community goals towards reducing and ending homelessness.

For training needs and interests not mentioned above, you can learn more about our training consultancy and training topics we offer here: Training Consultancy.