Webinar Archive
Our free monthly webinars will help you solve homelessness in your community. They’re ideal for community leaders and program staff. The webinars provide an opportunity to debrief, consult, have round-table sharing, discuss case scenarios, have topic presentations and learn from experts and their peers in the delivery of Housing First practices, gain insight in By-Name Lists and Coordinated Access and other best practices.
2022 Recorded Webinars
Archived Webinars 2021 | 2020 | 2019
date, topic & description | video link | |
June 23, 2022 Diversion in Practice Diversion practice has evolved in Waterloo Region since 2013 to its current iteration of FirstConnect – a team offering 24/7 diversion and prevention support across the Region. Join Pat Fisher from the Region of Waterloo and Laura Coakley, Manager of FirstConnect to learn more. |
June 9, 2022 Toronto’s STARS Common Assessment Tool For the last number of years, Toronto has worked closely with Indigenous and other community partners, people with lived expertise, and front line workers to develop and test a local common assessment tool. Join this session to learn more about Toronto’s work with their STARS Common Assessment Tool. Additional Resources: Intake + Triage SMIS Downtime Form Housing Checklist SMIS Downtime Form |
May 31, 2022 Diversion and Housing Loss Prevention OrgCode recently released a new Diversion and Housing Loss Prevention Guide. Iain De Jong from OrgCode Consulting walks you through this Guide and how to get the most out of it. |
April 27, 2022 Boundaries Having a good work ethic, or being a good employee, doesn’t mean you have to be perfect, available, or even at the top of your game all of the time. Your reputation at work is made up of more than people’s opinions of whether you are a “good” or “bad” worker. It is the sum set of actions and behaviours people attribute both to you, plus their interactions with you. “What you allow, you encourage!” So understanding what boundaries to set and how to set them is essential in maintaining good workplace mental health and work/life balance. This CoP focuses on setting healthy boundaries at work and ways this can be done. |
April 12, 2022 Toronto: PATHS Prioritization Policy As part of the Shelter, Support and Housing Administration’s (SSHA) Homelessness Solutions Services Plan, SSHA worked collaboratively with community partners to identify shared principles to guide decision-making on who and how people experiencing homelessness are identified for access to housing and supports. Here more about Toronto’s PATHS Prioritization Policy, how it was developed and how it is being used in practice. |
March 31, 2022 Hamilton: Operationalizing Prioritization Hamilton discusses their experience with prioritization, including wins and pitfalls. They also share how they are incorporating Indigenous prioritization within both the Indigenous and mainstream systems along with the overall roll out of new prioritization criteria and processes. |
March 24, 2022 Self-Care in the Homeless Serving Sector Focused on organizational factors, the TTA facilitates dialogue around what is important for an organization to adequately support staff self-care, what staff feel is essential from their supervisors and agency, what things are unhelpful, and how all of these can be addressed in a constructive manner. |
March 23, 2022 Toronto: Using Data to Reduce Returns to Homelessness Join City of Toronto staff to learn more about how they have been leaning into their BNL data to reduce returns to homelessness. |
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March 10, 2022 Saint John, NB provides an overview of their Coordinated Access system with a focus on access points, their housing focused approach, and their In from the Cold Campaign. |
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March 1, 2022 Over 2021, Brantford completed HIFIS deployment and effectively implemented a By-Name List and Reaching Home Level Coordinated Access system. Join this call to hear how they accomplished all this and their secrets to success. |
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February 18, 2022 Dufferin County has reduced chronic homelessness by over 50% largely through system improvements connected to their Coordinated Access system. Dufferin County is the first community in Canada to be confirmed through CAEH with Advanced Quality Coordinated Access. Join this webinar to hear more about their Coordinated Access system, their continuous improvement plans and their journey working to reduce and end chronic homelessness. |
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February 15, 2022 In April 2020, the City of Toronto and Toronto Community Housing launched the Rapid Rehousing Initiative to identify vacancies to be made available immediately to people experiencing chronic homelessness in Toronto. Phase 1 of the initiative helped 459 people move into 300 units of permanent and fully furnished housing. An additional 450 units were made available in 2021 as part of phase 2. Join this webinar to hear more about this initiative, what has been learned over the past two years, and their next steps. |
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February 2, 2022 For those that work in the homeless serving sector, it is hard work at the best of times even though it comes with many fulfilling moments. But when life seems to be pounding you with additional challenges such as a pandemic, it can be difficult to maintain your best self. This Community of Practice call will provide an opportunity for anyone working in any capacity in the homeless serving world to gain resources, insight, and support related to navigating self-care during challenging circumstances such as COVID 19. The Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) team from CAEH will be leading this informal yet informative call providing expertise and knowledge gained from decades of experience and learning as well as facilitating an opportunity to share with and learn from others on the call about what is working and not working for you. It will also be a chance to just listen if you like to glean any information and support that might be helpful for you. There will be open discussion and opportunity to access valuable tools to assist you in being the best you possible during these turbulent times. |
January 18, 2022 Edmonton has been at the forefront of the development and implementation of Bridge Housing. Hear about how Bridge Housing emerged as part of their overall COVID response, how it has impacted their system, the benefits, the challenges, and what they have learned to date. |